
Basic Pedagogy

Although the intellectual and judgmental skills essential for acceptable teaching are more open to interpretation than class management techniques, the following items are presented as constructive suggestions for the improvement of teaching.

  • Content, assignments, and approach should be keyed to the level, aims, and nature of the course.
  • Appropriate teaching techniques should be employed.
  • Each class session should reflect thorough preparation, including knowledge of and currency in the subject matter.  It is the responsibility of faculty to remain current in the material covered in their courses and to be knowledgeable about developments in the disciplines, especially as regards changes in cognate courses within the Department or University curriculum.
  • The administration shares this responsibility, first in providing time and encouragement for professional development, and, second, in responsibly managing class assignments appropriate to the knowledge and background of the individual faculty.
  • Testing and grading practices should relate directly to course content and assignments.
  • Methods of communication should be appropriate to the level of students and subject matter of the course.  It is largely the responsibility of the Chair to identify a problem area in an instructor鈥檚 communication skills through appropriate screening procedures and in response to complaints made against an instructor.  A plan for faculty development should be prescribed and then appropriate class assignments made for the instructor.