
Scheduling Parameters

Scheduling Parameters are CRN (section) specific parameters to be considered in scheduling. This includes all information entered in the DCU.

Component (Sections) and Enrollment

Component setup included:

  • Section Number
  • Section Type
  • Max Enrollment
  • Banner Higher Education Information

Component Editing

Component Editing



Deliveries include dates, time patterns, location and instructor information.


Only one delivery per scheduling type should be created. Multiple deliveries will cause the meets to be scheduled multiple times. If a delivery within a section required multiple rooms, create one delivery with multiple room requests.

Multiple Rooms - Incorrect Scheduling Result
Delivery 01:
2x50 forced pattern time of MW 11:00-11:50 and CLAX room request
Delivery 01:
MW 11:00-11:50 meets in CLAX ANX 222
Delivery 02:
2x50 forced pattern time and LAB room request
Delivery 02:
TR 8:50-4:40 meets in room LAB ANX 333
Multiple Rooms - Correct Scheduling Result
Delivery 01:
2x50 forced pattern time of MW 11:00-11:50, one CLAX room request and one LAB room request
Delivery 01:
MW 11:00-11:50 meets in rooms CLAX ANX 222 and LAB ANX 333

If multiple schedule types are requested, multiple deliveries should be used.

Lecture and Lab - Correct Scheduling Results
LEC Delivery 01:
2x1:15forced pattern time of TR 12:30-13:45 and LECX room request
Delivery 01:
TR: 12:30 - 1:45 meets in room LECX CHH 011
LAB Delivery 02:
1x3:00 forced pattern time of W 11:00-2:00 and LAB room request
Delivery 02:
W: 11:00 - 2:00 meet in room LAB CHH 105

Proper Co-Scheduling is critical for an accurate Scheduling. Make sure all deliveries that meet in the same room, at the same time, and with the same instructor are properly Co-Scheduled. Improper Delivery creation and Co-Scheduling leads to undesired results in time and room assignment.

  • Instructor Schedule is affected
  • Room availability is affected
  • Time pattern subset selection is affected


Delivery Group - Incorrect Scheduling Result
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01:
3x50 forced pattern time of MWF 11:00-11:50, CLAX room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01:
MWF 11:00-11:50 meets in BOW 213, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
3x50 forced pattern time of MWF 7:45-8:35, CLAX room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
MWF 7:45-8:35 meets in BOW 112, Instructor J. Smith
No Group Created  
Delivery Group - Incorrect Scheduling Result
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01:
Enrollment 25, 3x50 forced pattern time of MWF 11:00-11:50, CLAX room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01:
MWF 11:00-11:50 meets in BOW 213 - capacity 25, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
Enrollment 10, no time pattern, no room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
No meets scheduled
No Group Created  
Delivery Group - Correct Scheduling Result
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01:
Enrollment 25, 3x50 forced pattern time of MWF 11:00-11:50, CLAX room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 43333 001 01
MWF 11:00-11:50 meets in BOW 217 - capacity 35, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
Enrollment 10, 3x50 forced pattern time of MWF 11:00-11:50, CLAX room request, Instructor J. Smith
Delivery SUB 53333 001 01:
MWF 11:00-11:50 meets in BOW 217 - capacity 35, Instructor J. Smith
Co-Scheduled Group Created  


Time Requests

  • Select Forced Pattern Request and then select the appropriate Time Pattern.

Time Request Example

  • Make sure to double check the time patterns on existing deliveries
    • DCU data is rolled from the previous Fall or Spring database, depending on term.
    • Non-exclusive room assignments are not rolled.

Time Requests

Time Requirements Notes

  • Add time notes in the Time Requirements text box
    • Time notes are used to specify the structure and relationships of time requests, not to indicate specific times and days.

Time Requirements Notes

  • Time notes should be specific and should include reasons for the requirement.
    • Always include the course numbers (if different) and the section numbers that are being referenced
    • Avoid vague verbiage - together, early, late, etc.
    • If no time is required (i.e. Web courses) do not enter a time pattern, no note required
Time Note - Unclear Time Note - Better
Schedule sections in the morning Section 001 and 002 must be scheduled prior to 1:00 p.m. because students prepare daily athletic reporting schedules
Daylight is required for this section Schedule this section between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. because daylight is required
Instructor can only teach after 5 p.m. No note needed - us an EVE pattern time or request.


Room Requests

  • All classrooms (AUDX, CLA, CLAX, LEC, LECX, SEM, SEMX) have been reviewed by the Classroom Review Committee
    • Exclusive usage of these room types has been communicated to the approved departments
  • Exclusive and forced room types may be selected in the DCU.
    • Forced room types include: DIS, GYM, LAB, LBCX, STU, STUX, TEA, TEAX
  • If a specific schedulable room is needed for a section, enter a room requirement note.

Room Requests

Room Requirement Notes

  • Room notes should be specific and should include the reason for the requirement.
Room Notes - Unclear Room Notes - Better
Schedule in ANX 0192 This section must be scheduled in ANX because access to GYM is necessary for practical experience
Schedule in SFH 0113 after section 002 Schedule is same room as section 002 for professor mobility issues (also add B2B time note)


Assigned Instructor(s)

  • Assign an instructor to a class whenever possible.
    • The assigned instructor allows the system to consider faculty scheduling parameters.
    • Only assign instructors who are teaching the class (must be present for each class meeting).
      • Don't assign coordinators who oversee many sections of a class.
        • Sections must schedule conflict fee for instructors.
        • Sections must schedule according to instructor parameters.

Unknown Instructor

  • A full time faculty member will be teaching the course, but it will be one of two professors who will be assigned the section at a later date.
    • Assign both professors to the section in the DCU.
    • After the schedule is transferred to Banner, the professor who is not assigned can be removed from the section.
  • A section will be scheduled, but an adjunct professor who is only available in the evening will be assigned to the section at a later date.
    • Select an EVE forced time pattern, the section will only be scheduled in the evening subsets.
  • A section will be scheduled and an adjunct professor will be assigned to the section, since the instructor is unknown, the unavailability is unknown.
    • Select the desired time pattern based on student needs or historic scheduling - if updates are necessary, then can be requested after the schedule is transferred to Banner.
  • Multiple sections will be scheduled, but one currently unknown instructor is expected to teach these sections.
    • Create a TBA instructor in the DCU and specify the instructor type (i.e. DEPT_PT: Part time instructor).
    • Assign the TBA instructor to the created sections.

How to: Create TBA Instructors

  • Click on the Instructors tab

Click on the Instructors tab

  • Select your department from the dropdown list.

Select your department from the dropdown list

  • Click on new

Click on new

  • You will complete the GLOBAL section ONLY

You will complete the GLOBAL section ONLY

  • Fill in a First and Last Name. If you do not know the name, enter something generic such as Last Name = ACCT, First Name = TBA1

Fill in a First and Last Name

  • Select an Instructor Type from the dropdown list. REMEMBER to select a type that is associated with your department so that the correct scheduling rules are applied!

Select an Instructor Type from the dropdown list

  • Click save

Click save

  • You have just created a TBA instructor that is attached to your department and associated with your professor type!

You have just created a TBA instructor!

  • Reminders
    • The system will automatically generate an ID for the TBA Instructor.
    • This process is only for instructors who are unknown and do not exist in Banner. TBA instructors should be used as a placeholder.
    • TBA Instructors will not be transferred back to Banner.
    • If an instructor exists in Banner but not in the DCU, contact the ASC to have the instructor added. DO NOT create a TBA for a real instructor.
    • Only complete the GLOBAL section when creating a new TBA.
