
Free Technology Workshops

As part of the TechHelp family of services, IS offers a wide array of free technology workshops for students, faculty, and staff. What began with 20 workshops has erupted into a semester-long series of roughly 12 workshops each week covering over 40 topics. Offerings include Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Adobe Creative Suite, Cloud Storage, and many more. Workshops are designed for a variety of skill levels ranging from beginner to advanced.

“These workshops cover a wide range of topics and often specialize in technology available to the university community,” explains Jay Frye, Director of Service Management. “Providing free Microsoft Office, managing Blackboard Learn, connecting Google Apps to kent.edu, and supplying unlimited storage in Google Drive – these are all great services but they are meaningless if we don’t help our faculty, staff, and students use them effectively.”

Workshops are held in room 152 of the Library, conveniently located on the first floor, adjacent to the TechHelp Technology Helpdesk. The space allows for an interactive training experience that can be customized to the needs of the audience and the content. It is equipped with laptop computers and two 80” flat panel display screens, so that attendees can clearly follow along with the instructor.

View workshop schedules and enroll in courses at .

POSTED: Friday, July 28, 2017 10:33 AM
Updated: Thursday, December 8, 2022 10:37 PM
