
Spring 2020 Drop-In Tutoring Locations

Get Writing Help Across Campus

Can't make it to the Writing Commons?  No problem!  We are coming to you!

With five satellite locationds across campus, open February 10 through April 28, help is close at hand.

Our main location on the fourth floor of the University Library remains open seven days a week for scheduled sessions or walk-ins.


Student Multicultural Center

Second floor Student Center, room 206, next to the Campus Tours Center

Monday through Thursday, 1 – 3PM


Eastway Center Fireplace Lounge

Ground floor, below the Eastway Cafe, across from the Eastway Deli

Monday through Thursday, 5-7PM

Starting Monday, February 10 and ending on Tuesday, April 28


Lake Hall

Room 125

Tuesday 5:30-7PM

Starting Tuesday, February 11 and ending on Tuesday, April 28



Rotunda, second floor, near the Academic Success Center Tutoring

Monday through Thursday, 7-10PM

Starting Monday, February 10 and ending on Tuesday, April 28


Manchester Hall

Room 108, Academic Success Center

Monday through Thursday, 6-10PM

Starting Monday, February 10 and ending on Tuesday, April 28

POSTED: Monday, April 30, 2018 05:26 PM
Updated: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:38 PM