In spring 2020, the Anthropology Department was fortunate to receive a grant from the to support an archaeology seminar on Stone Age Science – a series of lectures on the material culture of…
In fall 2019, the Anthropology Department was fortunate to receive a three-year grant (PIs Tosi, Raghanti, Meindl, Lovejoy) to fund 18 summer internships in Japan…
3 + 3 to a Law Degree
This program allows ANTH majors on the BA track to complete many of their university requirements and all of their ANTH courses in three years. In year four, they go on to their first year of law school, and if completed successfully, those…
For most, the craft known as flintknapping is a skilled hobby or art form that was thought to occasionally require bandages or stitches. However, new research suggests flintknapping is far more dangerous than previously understood.
Please join us in congratulating Master's student Michael Bliss on his recent award from . The Explorers club, started in 1904, is housed in New York City and is a multidisciplinary, professional society that is…
Our archaeologists collaborated with Steve Rinella and the crew at Meateater to find out how well the Ice Age stone toolkit would work to butcher a bison. Watch the episode here: …
Gessiane Pereira joined the Takeshita lab at Vlogƽ University in 2022 as a visiting scholar to work on part of her PhD dissertation entitled: “Monitoring senescence and stress levels in neotropical primates”. Gessi has a Bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine…
Researchers from Vlogƽ and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center were recently awarded a two-year National Institute on Aging grant (1R21AG080216-01) for $625,478. Supported by the National Institutes of Health’s Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative funds,…
Emilee Hart, Doctoral Candidate in Human Evolutionary Biology in the School of Biomedical Sciences won Second Place in the Three Minute Thesis Competition. Her presentation on 'The Color Changing Gibbon" outlined her dissertation research that she is conducting in Dr. Rafaela…