
Information for Faculty

An ELR designated course is one that meets ELR standards after review and approval. Faculty can apply for course or section designation through the following process:

  • Discuss interests with your chair/dean. Learn more about the ELR in the entry.
  • Complete the application and route for approval
  • Follow the curricular process to obtain institutional approval of the course.

Faculty Role in Acting as a Faculty Supervisor

When a student chooses to complete the ELR through the Non-Course Activity or Plus-1 Credit Course options, they must secure a faculty supervisor. Their role is to do the following:

  • Approve the experiential learning activity and/or assignment through the electronic application system
  • Assist the student in developing learning outcomes for their activity/assignment
  • Monitor their progress to completion
  • Collect their Reflective Assignment
  • Sign the completion form through the electronic application system