Deans Hannon and Crowe escorted EHHS students to Ohio statehouse to talk all things education.
EHHS Leaders, Students Visit Statehouse
Deans Hannon and Crowe escorted EHHS students to Ohio statehouse to talk all things education.Image
Associate Professor Marty Jencius was recently recognized as a Fellow of the Association of Specialists in Group Work.
EHHS Faculty Marty Jencius Named ASGW Fellow
Associate Professor Marty Jencius was recently recognized as a Fellow of the Association of Specialists in Group Work.Image
LTCA major Kiley Kinsey named to the 2024 Scholars in Aging program.
EHHS Student Selected for 2024 Scholar in Aging Program
LTCA major Kiley Kinsey named to the 2024 Scholars in Aging program.Image
William Bintz and his former student, Anne Pavlansky, will receive the 2024 Dr. Cindy Bowman Presenter’s Award at the annual conference of the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts.
EHHS Faculty and Alumna Win OCTELA Presenter's Award
William Bintz and his former student, Anne Pavlansky, will receive the 2024 Dr. Cindy Bowman Presenter’s Award at the annual conference of the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts.Image
Chia-Ling Kuo, Ph.D., a professor in, and coordinator of, the Educational Technology program, answered 10 questions for the EHHS Featured Faculty Series.
EHHS Featured Faculty - Chia-Ling Kuo
Chia-Ling Kuo, Ph.D., a professor in, and coordinator of, the Educational Technology program, answered 10 questions for the EHHS Featured Faculty Series.Image
Kalena Speicher, a Non-Profit Studies minor, planned and coordinated a youth and family engagement activity at Ravenna’s King Kennedy Community Center.
ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ Student Plans Youth, Family Engagement at Local Community Center
Kalena Speicher, a Non-Profit Studies minor, planned and coordinated a youth and family engagement activity at Ravenna’s King Kennedy Community Center.Image
EHHS teacher education students will collect astrophysical data of the April 8 total solar eclipse.
Research Center for Educational Technology Awarded Grant to Study Solar Eclipse
EHHS teacher education students will collect astrophysical data of the April 8 total solar eclipse.Image
Health Sciences professor Derek Kingsley gives keynote speech at annual conference of the Midwest Chapter for the American College of Sports Medicine.
EHHS Professor Delivers Keynote Speech at Midwest Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine
Health Sciences professor Derek Kingsley gives keynote speech at annual conference of the Midwest Chapter for the American College of Sports Medicine.Image
Lisa Audet held a master class in Audiology and Speech Disorder at the 2023 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention.
Lisa Audet Speaks at ASHA Convention
Lisa Audet held a master class in Audiology and Speech Disorder at the 2023 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention.Image
Doctoral students Lara Boman and Anthony Pinzone are scholarship recipients of the 2023 National Strength and Conditioning Association.