
Unit-Wide Assessments

Non-Academic Dimensions

A seven criteria, four performance level rubric used to evaluate applicants at the program admission stage for important non-academic characteristics.  The rubric is designed to be used with an array of potential evidence sources (letters of recommendation, essay, interview, etc.).

Disposition 1, 2, 3

A multifaceted rubric with four performance levels used to evaluate applicants on critical dispositions.  Version 1 occurs early in the program and contains a fewer number of items than Disposition Assessment 2 and 3 which have a higher number of items.  The item text and expectations are the same across all instruments.

Student Teaching Evaluation

An observation rubric with 21 criteria and four performance levels; it is completed by the university supervisor at two points during the final student teaching experience.  The instrument is also completed by the cooperating/mentor teacher.  If a student has multiple placements (e.g., Health Education/Physical Education, Middle Childhood), they will have multiple evaluations.


An analytical rubric consisting of 16 indicators; it contains three performance levels and is evaluated by teacher evaluators who review candidate video and reflective writing.

Clinical Experience Surveys

Evaluations of university supervisors (KSU clinical faculty) and cooperating/mentor teachers.  Each group is evaluated set of characteristics deemed important by KSU.  Supervisors evaluate teachers, and teachers evaluate supervisors.  KSU candidates (student teachers) also evaluate both groups.  If a student has multiple supervisors and/or cooperating teachers, they will be asked to complete an evaluation for each one.

Ohio Assessments for Educators (OAE)

The licensing exams for the state of Ohio; each candidate completes an assessment of professional knowledge (APK) test, which focuses on pedagogy, and then nearly every program has one or more content-area tests. 

ODHE Surveys

The Ohio Department of Higher Education sends surveys to KSU candidates during their final student teaching experience (Pre-Service Teacher Survey) and during their Resident Educator (professional induction) program (Resident Educator Survey).  The results are shared with KSU with identifying information removed.  The instrument contains approximately fifty items and has a 4 point (strongly agree/strongly disagree) scale.

ODHE Evaluation Data

The Ohio Department of Education and Ohio Department of Higher Education make certain data available to us in the aggregate; these include persistence in field (4 years), Value Added data (specific subjects/grade bands), Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) results, and Resident Educator program pass rates.

Employer Study

KSU has embarked on a study of employer satisfaction by reaching out to schools in Ohio with three or more recent KSU completers.  This study is ongoing.

Clinical Experience Focus Groups

KSU is in the process of conducting focus groups with teachers and other school personnel.  We are conducting these groups school-by-school and are including partners from all campuses and grade levels.  We have gained important insights on clinical experience, employer needs, and general perceptions of program quality.