
Reappointment Policy

Initial appointments to the Faculty in the Department are normally made at the Assistant Professor level.  To be hired as an Assistant Professor, a candidate must have a Ph.D. in psychology.  If the person hired is in the process of completing the degree after beginning an appointment at KSU, he/she must complete all requirements for the doctoral degree by January 15 of his/her first academic year at KSU or the contract will not be renewed.  That is, the Faculty member would not be recommended for reappointment.

The policies and procedures for reappointment are included in the University policy and procedures regarding faculty reappointment (See University Policy Register 3342-6-16).  Each academic year, reappointment guidelines for Kent and Regional Campus faculty are distributed by the Office of the Provost.  Probationary Faculty members are reviewed by the Department’s Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee (See Section III of this Handbook).  This committee, in consultation with the Chair, will assign two Faculty members to visit the classes of probationary Faculty, interview students, and generally evaluate teaching, research and service accomplishments.  A report will be submitted to the Chair for distribution to the Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee.  Probationary Faculty will also submit a current vita and other supporting materials to the Chair for review by the Promotion and Tenure Committee.  Each probationary Faculty member will be discussed by the Promotion and Tenure Committee and a vote on reappointment will be taken.  The Chair will independently assess the accomplishments   of each probationary Faculty member and, after considering the views of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, will make a recommendation to the Dean regarding reappointment.  The Chair is responsible for providing each probationary Faculty member with feedback regarding his/her performance.

For probationary Faculty, reappointment is contingent upon demonstration of adequate progress toward the requirements for tenure.  Specific concerns expressed by the Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee and/or the Chair should be addressed by the candidate in subsequent reappointment reviews. Finally, the overall evaluation of a candidate for reappointment must include consideration of the Faculty member's personal integrity and professional behavior as recognized by the University community.  A sound ethical approach to all aspects of teaching, research, publication, and the academic profession is expected of all who seek reappointment in the Department.  A candidate who fails to demonstrate likely success in the tenure process will be notified promptly that she/he will not be reappointed.

From time to time, personal and/or family circumstances may arise that require an untenured Faculty member to need to request that her/his probationary period be extended.  Upon request, a Faculty member may be granted an extension of the probationary period which has been traditionally called “tolling” or “stopping the tenure clock.”  The University policy and procedures governing modification of the Faculty probationary period is included in the University Policy Register. (See University Policy Register 3342-6-13).