Non-Tenure Track Faculty
ProfessorMSB 347330-672-9093Finite Group Theory, Actuarial Mathematics, Inquiry Based Learning
Professor & Modeling Algebra Coordinator 10050, 10051, 10772, 11099MSB 334330-672-9583
ProfessorMSB 347330-672-9848Control Theory, Partial Differential Equations, Stability Theory, Ordinary Differential Equations, Complexity Science
Professor, Coordinator for Math 10475, 10675, 10775, 11010, and Placement CoordinatorMSB 334330-672-9092Math Education, History of Math in Education
Assistant Professor, Coordinator Math 10771, 14001, 14002, Basic Math ConceptsMSB 329330-672-9091
ProfessorMSB 329330-672-3315Mathal Statistics, Statistical Analysis, Biostatistics, Human Genetics, Nonparametrics, History of Women in Mathematics, Math & Art