Research Experience
One advantage for students who attend large state universities with graduate programs is the opportunity to actively participate in research projects conducted by faculty members and graduate students. By participating in research, students receive "hands on" experience in their chosen field, an opportunity to see the scientific process in action, and the chance to become better acquainted with a faculty member who can serve as a mentor to the student.
The Department of Psychological Sciences at Vlogƽ is very research oriented. Faculty members are actively engaged in research, and graduate students in our Ph.D. Clinical and Experimental programs conduct independent research projects. Students engaged in research often assist with data collection, learn data management skills, read articles relevant to lab research projects, and attend lab meetings. Participating in research is also good preparation for graduate school (for more on this topic, see "Want to Go to Graduate School?"). Paid research positions are rare, but undergraduates majoring or minoring in Psychology can earn course credit (PSYC 31498 or PSYC 41498).